Swine-Flu Egypt pig slaughter
In 2009 the Swine flu panic gripped the world, nowhere was the anxiety greater than in Egypt. Egypt's President, Hosni Mubarak ordered the slaughter of every hog in the country, all 300,000 of them. You may be thinking that it isn't so bad, they're just pigs! After the initial slaughter more than 70,000 families found themselves with no way to provide for their families, as well as countless millions who relied on them. The mass slaughter caused the build-up of organic waste, once used to feed the thousands of hogs, collected by the swine caretakers. Before the swine holocaust, the caretakers would come everyday and pick up all the refuse left, now all that filth is piled so high in some places, you can't even move your car, and if the flies aren't enough, they have to deal with rats and snakes that are swarming all over it.
The biggest twist of the entire fiasco, was that not one Egyptian came down with the virus prior to the slaughter. Since the slaughter there have been 891 cases reported, including two deaths.
Welcome to the new and improved Cairo - Swine-Flu Free
PETA "Rocks"!
We all know pPETA does some awesome campaigning for animal rights, $32 million a year in fact! They garner so much attention that celebs even get in on the act. PETA is responsible for saving thousands of lab tested animals and mistreated creatures over many years. You may be asking yourself, "So, Ari, why are you writing about them being misleading?"
Here's the scoop...
Finding homes for 1 out of 300 animals they rescue. The good old people over at PETA feel it is more cost effective to make people aware of animals being killed than actually saving their lives! In the entire year of 2008, PETA found homes for a record breaking 7 animals. SEVEN. Have these people heard of the Internet?
As a comparison, the PETA headquarters has put down 95% of all animals under their watchful eye, the SPCA a few miles away has found homes for nearly 95% of all animals, all done with a fraction of the budget that PETA has.
Intelligent Design
For years the followers of "Intelligent Design" have been trying to get is accepted as a viable theory opposing evolution. We've all heard of it, some may even believe in it. While they have been hiding in the dark for many years, recently the following has been working it's way out of the woodwork with a few films made to "debunk" the theory of evolution... Using such gems as "Why do giraffe's brains not rupture when they bend down to drink water" their reasoning behind it is that when the specialized blood vessels trap blood to pressurize it in order not to flow all to its head, it should go there afterwards? It is really absurd stuff, like how only one bee in the world can pollinate the vanilla flower... Then again there is only one species of bee that drink human tears!
Here is a little sample of what they're talkin' bout
Just because bees are small, doesn't mean that they didn't figure it out millions of years ago...
The Church's war on condoms!
We all remember that whole "Pope talk's smack about the condom" episode, hinting that it actually increases the transmission of STDs. His press guys explained that he meant that it encourages people to have sex. Because hormones have absolutely nothing at all to do with sex, or puberty, or well, awkwardness. There have been a few of these condophobes (I think I'll use that again somewhere) Bishop Joseph Shipandeni Shikongo recently said that "Condoms lead to promiscuity". This guy also said that the media is promoting condom use more and more heavily to cover up the fact that the prophylactics have failed miserably. Other than the statistics that condoms have reduced the rate of STDs and pregnancy drastically since the mass introduction of them in the 70's. Go ahead and look up some stats, I'll hang around waiting..... Ok, done? Great! Did I mention that the bishop that is against the things live in Africa? Yeah, the highest rate of AIDS anywhere shouldn't use condoms.
Yeah, i know this isn't as light-hearted as some of my other posts... But hey, just needed to be there, more munching for the masses brains.
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